Sites with Further Information about Atlanta Telephone History
History Atlanta - Southern Bell Telephone Company Building
A nice article about the 51 Ivy Building (now Peachtree Center Avenue).
Save the Bell!
A Web site devoted to saving the historic 25 Auburn Avenue telephone building.
Sites Related to Telephone Service of The Past
Tribute to the Telephone
Very large web site with lots of information about the telephone business.
Phone Trips
Mark Bernay's web site. Contains many recordings made in the 1970s by various telephone enthusiasts. A Phone Trip is a road trip made to record the sounds of the telephone network in a particular place. Some of Evan Doorbell's tapes can be found here but the more extensive collection of his tapes is on the site below.
Evan Doorbell's Phone Tapes
An extensive library of recordings made in the 1970s of the old telephone network. Includes a section on Atlanta, a section on New York City and many other recording from around the eastern U.S. We recommend that you start with the Production Tapes section. In that section, the best introduction is the series called How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 1 through Part 6. There is another series called The Sounds of Long Distance, Pgm. 1 through Pgm. 16.
Telephone World
Many pictures, recordings and technical details about telephones.
The Exchange Name Project
A web site devoted to the old central office names used around the United States and Canada prior to the 1960s. All of the Atlanta offices are listed.
The Strowger Telecoms Page
This web site belongs to a group in England interested in preserving the history of the Strowger Step-by-Step switching system.
Telephone Museums
Georgia Rural Telephone Museum, Leslie, Georgia
The Georgia Rural Telephone Museum in Leslie, Georgia, is home to the largest collection of antique telephones and telephone memorabilia in the world.
Connections Museum, Seattle, Washington
Our museum features working Panel and Crossbar electromechanical central-office switches. We also have working Step-by-Step and Crossbar PBX equipment as well as antique telephones, switchboards, outside plant displays (poles, cables, splicing equipment, and tools) and a reference library.
The Telephone Museum, Ellsworth, Maine
Real, working telephones and the switchboards and switching systems that powered the network are featured at this hands-on, interactive museum. You are encouraged to use wall-mounted, hand-crank magneto phones, dial phones, and manual switchboards. And you will see, hear and enjoy the electro-mechanical marvels that led the way to computers, cell phones, smart phones and other wonders of telecommunications.
The Tacoma Telephone Pioneer Museum, Tacoma Washington
The idea for a Tacoma Telephone Pioneer Museum began over 60 years ago, when those Pioneers began collecting items still in use. Many of these such as test equipment, tools, telephone sets, and a wire chiefs desk are now on display.
BellSouth Telephone Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
(Sadly, closed)
Telephone Collectors Clubs
ATCA Antique Telephone Collectors Association
TCI Telephone Collectors International
Atlanta Historical Information
Atlanta Time Machine
Then-and-now photos of Atlanta through the decades, scores of old postcards, and miscellaneous ephemeral stuff.
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